This Tournament has been in the pipeline for a number of years and only through the persistence of our past chairman has it come to fruition. Mr Doug Crosby has always believed we must test new waters to spread the word about Lefty golf, unfortunately no left handers...
The W.A.L.G. 24th Championship will be hosted by the National Association of Left Handed Golfers, Japan Miyazaki, Japan – 18th to 22nd of April...
Resources below for tournaments and include details of W.A.L.G. branding. Map: Logo Logo Colors Color, Hex, RGB Black, #000000, 0 0 0Red, #f21111, 242 17 1Green, #006823, 0 104 35Blue, #063c89, 6 60 137Gold, #ffc552, 255 197 82 WEBSITEGreen links, #339933Green...
A record of W.A.L.G. tournaments since 1979. Articles feature location, number of participants and champions.
MINUTES-28th-WALG-Vietnam-2025 MINUTES-27th-WALG-France-2022 MINUTES 26TH WALG, Germany 2019 MINUTES 25th WALG, Australia 2017 MINUTES 24th WALG, Japan 2016 MINUTES 23rd WALG, South Africa 2014 MINUTES 22nd WALG, Turkey 2013 MINUTES THE 21ST WALG Scotland 2012 MINUTES...